10 Tips to Improve Your Initial Legal Consultation (1 of 3)

People hire an attorney for a multitude of reasons ranging from divorce, to traffic tickets, even to help them become a citizen. Choosing an attorney can be a tiresome process that doesn’t end when you book your first appointment. When you sit down with your potential attorney for the first time, you'll want to make the most of that first meeting. To make things easier, we've prepared a mini series - this being the first of three - of tips to ensure that you are ready for the first consult with an attorney.

Point #1 – Relax

Don’t Stress Out! I know, I know, easier said than done. The idea of the first meeting can be a scary, but you are already on your way. The attorney spent a lot of time in Law School so that you don’t have to be as stressed, they are there to help you. And don’t forget, this is only the first meeting, often called “the initial consultation”. If after this first meeting you aren’t happy with the attorney, you can always find a new one. While they might be deciding if they want to take on your case, you also get a say in the process. So take a deep breath and move onto the next point.

Point #2 – Decide

When you go into that first consultation your new attorney is going to want to know how they can help you. Start by deciding what you want done. What would you like at the end of the day? This of course can vary based on what type of case you have, from child custody to not quite stopping all the way at the stop sign on the way to work. Each case is different, and will have different goals. It also helps to make list of non-negotiables. What are things you have to have and items you don’t want at all? Maybe you want to avoid a trial at all costs or perhaps you have no intention of settling and want your day in the courtroom. It is important to know what is really important to you, and be prepared to discuss these at your initial consultation.

It is equally important to understand that an attorney may not be able to accomplish everything you desire because of the situation, the law or how the facts apply in your individual case. Once you know what you want done, you can move on to Step #3.

Point #3 – Get Organized

During your initial consultation, more than likely you will not get much legal advice. Don’t let that surprise you. The initial consult is an opportunity to determine if you wish to hire this attorney rather than resolve your legal questions. In order to make the most of this meeting, they are going to want to hear your story. It is important to only provide a summary rather than every minor detail. (You only have a short amount time in your first consult!) Don’t worry, if the attorney needs more information, they will ask.

To help you be more efficient, it helps to write your story down as though you were sharing it with a person who had never met you before, telling the story chronologically, identifying the key dates and names (for example, "It all started when I went into business with my friends, Bill and Ted, in 1989"). Try and keep the information facts to a single page which will force you to understand the "narrative" of your case, and will help you to communicate the sequence of events in the simplest way possible. If you get stuck on what to write, try thinking about the basics of your situation, the: who, what, where, when and why.


These three steps will get you well on your way to a successful legal experience. In the near future, we will release part two of three of these mini series. As always, it is our motivation to be part of the solution. Please reach out to our legal team to ensure that we can help in anyway!

Disclaimer: The information provided here is of a general nature and may not apply to any specific or particular circumstance. It is not to be construed as legal advice nor presumed indefinitely up to date. We strongly encourage parties with Immigration issues to seek the advice of a licensed Immigration Attorney. To schedule a consultation today, contact Pham Law.


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10 Things You Should Be Doing Before You First Meet With Your Attorney (2 of 3)