Our Services

  • Immigration Law:

      - Visa Requests
      - Adjustment of Status
      - SIJS Matters
      - EB Visas
      - Visitor Status Requests
      - Spousal visas
      - Fiance Visas
      - Student Visas

  • Wills Drafting
  • Real Estate
  • Contract Drafting
  • Personal Injury
  • Car Wrecks
  • Traffic Infraction
  • Business Creation and transactions
  • Family Law

    And more, please contact us for more tailored details.

  • Our Main Focus

    Here at the Law Offices of Kenneth Pham, we strive to provide you with a solution to your legal concerns and problems. We recognize that you come to us with a pressing concern, and we believe it is our duty to work with you in order to achieve goals that is in your best interest. We value open communication between the clients, the attorneys, and staff to ensure that we handle the matter while minimizing stress.

    How We Serve Our Clients

    From the moment that you walk in, we make efforts to ensure that your needs are met and that we can be part of a solution. We wish to make sure that you are heard. We know that although you have your legal concerns, you are also a real person and not just a legal problem to address. 

    With open communication in mind, our office imparts open cloud sharing so that we can still provide you a piece of mind without the boundaries and restrictions of distance and office availability. By utilizing technology, we can ensure that you have 24/7 means to not only send documentation to your attorney but also check on the files of your case and see in real time the current status of your case. 

    This same technology is utilized in the streamlining of your case, tied with a checks and balance system. At our firm, we pride ourselves in not being a legal factory, but instead one of personalized service to our clients. Through the efficiency of technology with affable staff, we aim to bring you a service that we take pride in.  

    Our competent team is also well trained in case delegation, and they work through a mutual guideline. This ensures that someone of necessary mastery will work on your case portion before handing it off to another team member for the next step. This also means, for you, the client, that you will always be able to follow the steps of your case through our mutually agreed attack plan, all while streamlining the process to provide you a service that would bring you ease to your legal concerns. 

    Honest Billing

    Often times, too many attorneys prioritize the bottom line and place such a burden on the back of customers who enter their doors. Our firm focuses on providing you a value to you in return for your hard-earned money. By being value-oriented, we can find the true points in your case that you feel that you need, allowing open lanes of communication, all so that you do not accrue needless fees in your case and pay only for what you ask for. Through our goal of being honest, our experienced staff will always be able to explain to our services so that you can decide if such services truly fit your needs.

    Before any amount is paid, we provide to you an honest and thorough outline of the path ahead; we focus on targeting the matters of your strengths, your weaknesses, potential concerns and hardships, the likelihood of your success and the cost, and necessaries to continue forward on your solution. This true assessment of your case and the potential risks that are foreseeable is necessary for our clients, and anything less would be to you, the client, a disservice. This conversation is to give you a foundation in your case, as well as a jumping point for you to make necessary decisions to be a part of your solution, taking this case how you feel most comfortable.