Benefits Of Naturalization That You Are Overlooking

American Citizenship Naturalization Charlotte Citizen North Carolina Immigration South Carolina

Getting citizenship grants a lot of benefits, many of which citizens already take for granted. The first is that there is no more risk of deportation - as it is not just undocumented individuals, but also green card holders are at risk of being deported. Further, there is no longer a need to file a green card renewal every 10 years; there is no more need to work with immigration agencies to ensure that you could continue living in the US. Your status here is immortalized and protected with citizenship. 

Beyond your own status, your life in the United States gets better as well. There are U.S. tax law advantages as well as savings from no longer having to deal with the requirements of green card renewal. As a United States Citizen, you would get accessibility to federal jobs, federal grants, scholarships, and other government benefits. When traveling, you no longer have to worry about how long you can stay outside of the United States as well as the difficulties of getting back in.

If it's not only your own benefit, but at times it could be the benefit of your children and other family members as well. If your children are still young enough, they can benefit from your citizenship as well and become derivative citizens. On top of this, as a United States citizen, your family members overseas benefit from your status. Types of categories once closed off to your family or family members that have a long wait time can be improved just because you are now a United States citizen. 

For Green Card holders who have lived in the United States for a long time, the law allows for some consideration of your time spent here and allows the exam to be taken in a foreign language. For those difficult disabilities, the law also assists in allowing you to test for naturalization with those considerations in hand. 

Whether it be for personal benefit or for that of your family, getting your citizenship offers many benefits. Although there are pitfalls, the effort, struggle, and study pays for financial benefit, security, and peace of mind both in the United States and oveseas.


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